| Coastal Training Program

The goals of CTP programs and technical assistance are to share current science on priority issues, increase stewardship of coastal resources, and facilitate coordination among stakeholders. Priority issues are identified through formal needs assessments and ongoing contact with coastal communities to ensure training topics are audience-driven.

Priority Issues:

  • Water Quality and Coastal Ecosystems
  • Severe Weather Events and Changing Climate
  • Maintaining Biodiversity
  • Professional Development and Skills

Example Training Topics:

  • Coastal Growth and Development
  • Coastal habitats and natural resource management
  • Low Impact/Sustainable Development
  • Stormwater Management
  • Water Resource Management
  • Community/Land Use Planning
  • Watershed Planning/Management
  • Beach/Shoreline Management

Request a Training

You can request a specific training topic or program by contacting the Coastal Training Program Coordinator.

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September 2024
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Coastal Training Program Contact

Maeve Snyder

Coastal Training Program Coordinator